A little what’s what about this blog and who runs it!
Hi friends!
I’m Vicki and I live near Hobbiton in the centre of the North Island of Aotearoa, New Zealand!
From the age of seven when I was caught reading The Hobbit under the desk in a maths lesson, books have continued to be an important part of my life. I read to escape, to learn and simply because I love other people’s stories. At home, books are piled up under chairs, on tables with a great big wobbly stack on the bedside table (not great when you live in an earthquake zone.)
I set up this blog to share two of my favourite things with you; reading and New Zealand. I want to show you all the bookish spots that might not be on your average road-map and share some book recommendations with a focus on contemporary and historical fiction as well as middle grade and young adult fantasy-fiction. There may also be the odd piece of cake, book event and appearances from my feline side-kick Pip.
Thanks for stopping by,